The health benefits of biking are undeniable – it’s great for your physical and mental health and the environment to boot. But with these obvious pros, there are some cons, too, like finding a safe place to lock up your bike and the risk of riding alongside aggressive cars and trucks. In many cities, these cons can easily outweigh the pros. But not in New Haven! In fact, New Haven was recently dubbed a bronze level Bicycle Friendly Community by the League of American Bicyclists.
With beautiful spring weather right around the corner, find out how you can get the most out of biking in downtown New Haven this year:
Bike Storage
Keeping your bike locked up and safe (not to mention dry from April showers) is important to any cyclist. There are plenty of spots around New Haven for storing your bike overnight or simply while running errands.
If you are looking for indoor bike storage, check out your local parking garage, many of which have free indoor bike parking. For example, you can park for free in Neon Garage on 260 Crown St and they even have an attendant to watch the bikes.
6 minute bike ride from The Union
Depending on where you live and work, you may even be able to take advantage of the Municipal Bike Station, a free indoor bike facility provided by the city of New Haven located at 200 Orange Street. The facility has bike racks, lockers, and even maintenance tools. Contact the Department of Transportation, Traffic & Parking to apply for a key card.
3 minute bike ride from The Union
Don’t mind parking outdoors? New Haven has lots of public bike racks and even allows you to lock up on parking meters. If you think your apartment or office complex could use a bike rack outside you can request one by emailing the Transportation, Traffic & Parking Department.
Residents at The Union can also enjoy complimentary bike storage in our indoor bike room.
Bike-Friendly Public Transit
Want to take your bike on the go? Not a problem. Taking your bike on Metro North is simple. All you need is a $5 lifetime permit and you can bring your bike on board. All new train cars are being built with bicycle hooks to further assist bicycle commuters.
If you still don’t want to deal with taking your bike with you, Union Station provides free, indoor, over-night bike parking for up to 30 days. There are three locations for parking: near the southwest garage entrance, at the northeast corner of the garage and within the glass next to the garage elevators.
Stuck in an April shower? CT Transit’s got your back. As a part of their Bikes on Board initiative, each bus is equipped with a bike rack.
Promoting Biking Safety
New Haven is continuing to promote safe biking by adding bright green bike lanes on major roads throughout the city. Though some roads are not wide enough for bike lanes, Connecticut permits bicyclists to use regular traffic lanes when necessary. Need a refresher on bike safety? Here are 8 hand signals to remember.
The city of New Haven has also created a helpful way to learn the roads and best routes with this bike map. It shows bike lanes, shared lanes, off-street shared paths, suggested routes, and bike shops.
Convenient Bike Shops
Ready to become a full time cyclist? New Haven has two bike shops right downtown for all your biking needs.
The Devil’s Gear Bike Shop :137 Orange Street
3 minute bike ride from The Union
College Street Bikes: 252 College Street
6 minute bike ride from The Union
What is your favorite way to ride in New Haven? Share it with us in the Comments, and Happy Biking!
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